
Pressemitteilungen der Energiewirtschaft seit 1999

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Press Release

Herausgeber: Internationales Wirtschaftsforum Regenerative Energien (IWR)

Germany: Increasing surpluses reach billions of Euros in the EEG levy account

Muenster - Since the beginning of the year, there have been constantly growing surpluses in the billions on the EEG levy account. According to the IWR, a renewable energy institute in Muenster, the income and expenditure account for the EEG levy, which is managed by the grid operators, had already recorded an unprecedented surplus of € 1.5 billion for the present accounting year 2014 by the end of march. Despite an expected slight decrease in the forthcoming summer, this credit balance could reach between 3 and 4 billion Euros by the end of the year, states the IWR.

With the anticipated surpluses, the Federal Government is gaining new leeway when it comes to determining the amount of the future EEG levy and further exemptions for industry. The latter already benefits from exchange power prices that have fallen sharply and are currently at the low level seen prior to 2005. Additionally, the 2014 German state budget provides for tax-funded subsidies to the tune of € 350 million for companies that use a lot of power. This is intended to compensate for emissions-trading related electricity power hikes. “Right now, the clear winners in the energy turnaround are electricity-intensive industrial sectors and major customers, while consumers and the renewables industry in Germany are among the losers”, explains IWR director, Dr. Norbert Allnoch.

The expansion of renewable forms of energy is not financed by state subsidies. The EEG levy, paid by power consumers, goes first to a central EEG levy account managed by the grid operators. As in the case of a fund, the income (EEG payments from consumers, income from marketing electricity) and the expenditure (remuneration payments to the operators of renewable energy plants) are balanced. The shortfall that arises between income and expenditure is the amount that is divided up among the power consumers in the form of the EEG levy. These difference costs barely increased from 2012 (€ 16 billion) to 2013 (provisionally: € 16.2 billion). Therefore the raise of the EEG levy in 2014 turned out to be higher than necessary due to the increasing number of companies that are exempt of it. Thus the difference costs are borne by fewer and fewer electricity consumers.

Muenster, 8 April 2014

Publication and Reprint free of charge; please send a voucher copy to
the International Economic Platform for Renewable Energies (IWR).

Attention editorial offices: For further questions please contact Mr.
Dr. Norbert Allnoch, International Economic Platform for Renewable
Energies (IWR).

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48155 Muenster
Phone: +49 (0)251 / 23 94 6-0
Fax: +49 (0)251 / 23 946-10
Email: info@iwr-institut.de
Internet: http://www.iwr-institute.com


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About Internationales Wirtschaftsforum Regenerative Energien (IWR)

In 1996, the International Economic Platform for Renewable Energies (IWR) was established as an independent and private service institution of the renewable energy industry. The IWR focuses on the fields of research, economic and policy consultation as well as media and international networks in the renewable or regenerative energies sector. One main objective of the IWR is to play an instrumental role in introducing and spreading awareness for an industrial, international business profile of the renewable energy industry.
Dr. Norbert Allnoch, Director of the International Economic Platform of Renewable Energies (IWR), 1995, on the definition: "According to our definition, the Renewable Energy Industry is one which takes an interdisciplinary approach to the issue of renewable energy supply (protecting both the climate and resources) and the construction of renewable plants and systems (industry policy for the three areas electricity, heat and fuel."Chronology of the Renewable Energy Industry - Important IWR contributions, including prizes and awards - 2007 Publication of the first structural analysis for a federal state according to the IWR-analysis method for renewable systems engineering and services�(study "Zur Lage der regenerativen Energiewirtschaft in NRW" )2007 International network-contacts:IWR-director Dr. Allnoch speaks with King Harald V. of Norway and �slaug Haga, norwegian minister of energy Presentation of the network / RENIXX in the USA, dialogue with McGinty, environment minister of Pennsylvania2006 IWR starts renewable stock index RENIXX� (

More Information about Internationales Wirtschaftsforum Regenerative Energien (IWR)