Press Release
Herausgeber: ENERTRAG SE
ENERTRAG celebrates record year 2023/24 in project development
Wind turbine in the Uckermark region
© ENERTRAG / Jewgenij RoppelDauerthal (renewablepress) - ENERTRAG achieved outstanding success in the 2023/24 financial year after evaluating all German projects. With a total of 233 MW of approvals in the wind sector, this is the best result in terms of new approvals ever achieved by ENERTRAG's project development activities. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in particular stood out with 111 approved megawatts. Thanks to political support, numerous projects in Brandenburg, which had stagnated in lengthy approval procedures, were also able to get underway.
There was also considerable progress in North Rhine-Westphalia and Central Germany: licences were granted for the first time in the Hochsauerland district and our repowering project in Roitzsch (Saxony-Anhalt) was approved. The team in Lower Saxony celebrated the construction of the single turbine in Ramelsloh (municipality of Seevetal), which marks another milestone as the first commissioning in Lower Saxony after ten years of approval.
In addition to licences, a record result was also achieved in terms of new applications submitted. With 413 MW of licence applications, the foundation was laid for continued high licence figures. The submission of the first applications in promising planning regions in Schleswig-Holstein, which are now hoping for rapid processing and realisation, is also pleasing. ENERTRAG is also strengthening its expertise as a full-service provider for the development and realisation of repowering plants. With the successful dismantling of four DeWind turbines and the subsequent start of construction of two new turbines in Roitzsch, ENERTRAG was once again able to demonstrate its expertise in the repowering market segment.
With 19.5 MW commissioned in the wind sector, all targets were also achieved. Although this figure appears low in comparison to the high number of approvals, ENERTRAG expects that most of the approved plants will be connected to the grid in the next two financial years and that the number of commissionings will therefore increase significantly.
While the wind sector has made significant progress in terms of approvals, ENERTRAG's fledgling photovoltaic division is also taking off. Remarkable successes have also been achieved in this sector. With the approval of the 44 MW park in Brüssow, an important foundation stone was laid for the further expansion of the Uckermark integrated power plant (Verbundkraftwerk Uckermark). At the same time, the first large-scale free-field solar project Kreuz Uckermark with 20 MW was commissioned early in the past financial year.
Promising projects are being brought forward in order to speed up the approval process in the photovoltaic sector. Approvals for both the Brüssow project and the PV system for the Heidekrautbahn project are expected in the near future.
Tom Lange, Head of Wind and PV Germany, emphasises: "These successes are the result of consistent teamwork. ENERTRAG greatly appreciates the outstanding achievements of all employees in project development and project approval in the wind and PV sector. On this basis, we are confident about future challenges and successful projects."
ENERTRAG has been realising the energy transition for over 25 years. More than 1,000 employees plan, build and operate integrated power plants (Verbundkraftwerke): based on wind and solar power plants, our own grid infrastructure, batteries and electrolysers. These provide reliable, on-demand electricity, heat and green hydrogen – replacing any fossil-fuelled power plant.
With our own plants, we generate around 2,000 gigawatt hours of electricity from wind and sun every year and have been producing green hydrogen since 2011. Based on this, we are developing energy projects with a capacity of over 15 gigawatts – in nine countries on four continents.
ENERTRAG represents the global energy supply of the future: sustainable, secure, regionally anchored. To keep our planet a place worth living.
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Caption: Wind turbine in the Uckermark region
© ENERTRAG / Jewgenij Roppel
Dauerthal, 12 July 2024
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ENERTRAG erbringt alle Dienstleistungen rund um erneuerbare Energien. Wir führen Strom, Wärme und Mobilität in allen Lebensbereichen effizient zusammen. Als Energieerzeuger mit einer Jahresproduktion von 1,5 Mio MWh im Bestand und einem Servicenetzwerk mit über 1120 Windenergieanlagen wissen wir dabei auch aus eigener Erfahrung, was für unseren Kunden wichtig ist. Mit über zwei Jahrzehnten Erfahrung in Europa vereinen unsere 540 Mitarbeiter alle Kompetenzen, die für erfolgreichen Betrieb und effiziente Instandhaltung, aber auch für eine bürgernahe Planung und zuverlässigen Bau von Energieanlagen und Netzen bis hin zu kompletten Verbundkraftwerken erforderlich sind. Wir sind immer eine Energie voraus – sei es bei Sektorkopplung, Beteiligungsmodellen oder bedarfsgerechter Nachtkennzeichung.
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