Press Release
Herausgeber: ENERTRAG SE
ENERTRAG secures medium-term investment loan for growth financing
Wind turbine within the Integrated Power Plant Uckermark
© ENERTRAGDauerthal (renewablepress) - ENERTRAG concludes new financing of 120 million euros with Commerzbank AG. The minimum term of at least five years and flexible options provide a solid foundation for further growth.
ENERTRAG, one of the leading players in the field of Renewable Energies, has successfully concluded a new financing of 120 million euros. The loan agreement signed with Commerzbank supports the company’s growth. The financing has a minimum term of at least five years with flexible extension thereby increasing options to meet future growth needs.
With this medium-term investment loan, ENERTRAG secures the opportunity to further advance the expansion of its own energy plants and project development. As a leading provider of hybrid power plants, ENERTRAG pursues a holistic approach that encompasses the development, construction, and operation of wind, PV, and electrolysis plants, as well as the corresponding network infrastructure.
The company benefits from a stable foundation of its own energy plants totaling over 900 MW as well as a full project portfolio. In Germany alone, permits for almost 200 MW of new wind energy plants have been obtained in the last six months and are now starting realization. Overall, the development portfolio has grown to over 18 GW in the last three years - almost a tripling since 2021. This includes 12 GW of wind projects as well as 3 GW each of photovoltaic and green hydrogen projects.
Through the Commerzbank financing, the company receives solid financial support to continue its growth in line with a successful energy transition.
Simon Hagedorn, CFO of ENERTRAG, comments on the successful financing as follows: "Securing this medium-term investment loan is a milestone for the ENERTRAG growth strategy. We are grateful for the support of our long-standing partners, especially Commerzbank, who significantly assist us in achieving our strategic objectives."
Tim Koenemann, Head of the Green Infrastructure Financing Competence Center at Commerzbank in Hamburg, adds: "We are very pleased to be able to accompany the strategic development of ENERTRAG with this financing. In doing so, we strengthen our decades-long cooperation. Driving forward the energy transition and the transformation of the economy is our strategic task. We are convinced that this growth financing is a key instrument for ENERTRAG to achieve its set goals and provides the foundation and necessary flexibility for the challenges of project business."
ENERTRAG is a pioneer and leader in the field of Renewable Energies and has established itself as a leading developer and operator of renewable energies and hybrid power plants. With a clear focus on sustainability and innovation, the company actively drives the energy transition forward and makes a significant contribution to the transformation of the energy industry.
ENERTRAG is a leading company in the field of renewable energies in Germany and worldwide. With extensive expertise in the development, construction and operation of wind turbines, photovoltaic systems and integrated power plants, the company generates over 2 terawatt hours of electricity annually from its own plants.
A dedicated team of more than 1,100 employees drives projects with a capacity of over 15 gigawatts in nine countries and pursues a holistic approach to integrated power plants, including wind, PV and electrolysis plants as well as grid infrastructure. The company's core objective is to efficiently generate, combine and deliver renewable energy to customers worldwide.
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Caption: Wind turbine within the Integrated Power Plant Uckermark
Dauerthal, 14 May 2024
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Michael Rassinger
Press spokesperson
Phone: +49 (0)39854 64595-270
Gut Dauerthal
17291 Dauerthal

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ENERTRAG erbringt alle Dienstleistungen rund um erneuerbare Energien. Wir führen Strom, Wärme und Mobilität in allen Lebensbereichen effizient zusammen. Als Energieerzeuger mit einer Jahresproduktion von 1,5 Mio MWh im Bestand und einem Servicenetzwerk mit über 1120 Windenergieanlagen wissen wir dabei auch aus eigener Erfahrung, was für unseren Kunden wichtig ist. Mit über zwei Jahrzehnten Erfahrung in Europa vereinen unsere 540 Mitarbeiter alle Kompetenzen, die für erfolgreichen Betrieb und effiziente Instandhaltung, aber auch für eine bürgernahe Planung und zuverlässigen Bau von Energieanlagen und Netzen bis hin zu kompletten Verbundkraftwerken erforderlich sind. Wir sind immer eine Energie voraus – sei es bei Sektorkopplung, Beteiligungsmodellen oder bedarfsgerechter Nachtkennzeichung.
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