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Press Release

Herausgeber: ENERTRAG Betrieb GmbH

Full (solar) power ahead: ENERTRAG Operation takes over operations management of 20 MW large-scale photovoltaic project

Aerial view Kreuz Uckermark<br />
© ENERTRAG SE Aerial view Kreuz Uckermark
Dauerthal (renewablepress) - Dauerthal/Germany, June 05, 2023 - 21 hectares of land, 20 MW total output, located at the Uckermark motorway intersection: With the integration of the 20 MW solar field into its technical operations management, ENERTRAG Operation is expanding its position as a full-service provider.

Operations management concept for smart combination project

German company ENERTRAG Operation, known for over 30 years for the operations management and inspection of wind turbines, is taking the next big step. The operations management of the first large-scale ground-mounted photovoltaic project is the result of the parent company ENERTRAG SE's PV offensive, which began two years ago. Since the end of last year, the operations management team has been benefiting from the close integration of all project participants, which has resulted in a new operations management concept created specifically for this project.

An essential difference to the operations management of wind power plants is, for example, that the service and maintenance of the solar parks is usually also taken over. Accordingly, ENERTRAG Operation offers everything from a single source. In order to achieve this, various points are included in the concept, such as efficient spare parts management, an individual mowing concept, or even details such as the exact table plans, which are essential for later orientation in the park.

Andre Reichert, Head of Operational Services, explains: "First of all, we took over the operations management for the first construction phase of the more than 21-hectare project with 10 MWp. The commissioning of the second construction phase has now taken place with a further 10 MWp on May 2, 2023. In future, the almost 20 MWp will be able to supply around 5,700 average households per year."

Operational management of the integrated battery storage system from 2024 onwards

The special highlight of this project is the connected battery storage with a capacity of 3.6 MWh, which not only serves the grid service, but also functions as an emergency power supply for ENER-TRAG's headquarters in Dauerthal, 15 kilometers away. Starting next year, ENERTRAG Operation will also take over the complete operational management for this plant. At the moment, however, the focus is on acquiring expertise and building up personnel in order to be optimally positioned for the coming years in this area as well and to contribute the experience to future projects.

Andre Reichert is looking forward to further expanding the work of his department in the photovoltaic and battery storage divisions: "Now is the right time to give full speed." Particularly in view of the numerous large-scale projects in the solar sector that ENERTRAG SE is planning, and the additional expertise that has been acquired as a result, Andre Reichert sees this as helpful: "We are pleased with the pace at which we are growing here. There are already more solar projects planned in northern and northwestern Germany, and the numerous foreign projects (e.g. Hyphen Hydrogen Energy, Namibia) with several gigawatts of solar and wind power, will also push us forward."

For more information, visit our website at betrieb.enertrag.com.

About ENERTRAG Operation

ENERTRAG Operation is a subsidiary of ENERTRAG SE and bundles under its roof the technical authority in the operational phase of projects in the renewable energies. The company currently manages more than 1,200 wind turbines. More than 120 employees at six locations ensure safe and profitable plant operation.

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Caption: Aerial view Kreuz Uckermark

Dauerthal, den 05 June 2023

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Media contact:

Michael Rassinger
Press officer
Phone: +49 160 96261279
E-Mail: presse@enertrag.com

David Müller
Head of Sales
Phone: +49 39854 6459-200
E-Mail: betrieb@enertrag.com

Gut Dauerthal
17291 Dauerthal
E-Mail: betrieb@enertrag.com

Internet: https://betrieb.enertrag.com


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About ENERTRAG Betrieb GmbH

Kompetenter Partner für Betriebsführung und Inspektion von Energieanlagen

ENERTRAG Betrieb ist Ihr Partner, wenn es um den technisch reibungslosen Betrieb von Energieanlagen im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien geht. Die Basis dafür bilden unsere langjährige Erfahrung, qualifizierte Mitarbeiter sowie akkreditierte Verfahren und Prozesse. Sie ermöglichen es uns, die über 1.200 Windenergieanlagen unserer Kunden profitabel und effizient zu betreiben – von sechs Standorten aus, europaweit.

Bedingt durch die Heterogenität unserer Anlagenflotte haben wir das einschlägige Know-how, um verschiedene Anlagentypen auf ihre Leistungsfähigkeit zu bewerten und zu prüfen. Unsere Kunden schätzen es besonders, aus unserem breit gefächerten Portfolio ihr individuelles Leistungspaket schnüren zu können. Das wirkt sich auch positiv auf die Preisgestaltung aus.

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