Press Release
Herausgeber: WKN AG
WKN wind farm Looft II put into operation
- Turnkey handover to the investor CEE
Husum - After commissioning, the Husum-based WKN Group punctually handed over wind farm Looft II to the investor CEE, an investment company located in Hamburg. CEE is belonging to Lampe Equity Management (LEM)-Group, a subsidiary of Bankhaus Lampe.
The Schleswig-Holstein project Looft II in the district of Steinburg consists of four wind turbines. Two Vestas V112 each with an installed capacity of 3.075 megawatts and 94 metres hub height as well as another two Vestas V90 each with an installed capacity of 2.0 megawatts and a hub height of 105 metres have been erected. The commissioning of the wind farm took place end of May on schedule. The wind farm feeds directly into the 110-kilovolt grid via a transformer station.
The expected annual power production of the 10.15 megawatts farm amounts to approximately 26 million kilowatt hours. The wind farm developed by WKN is now providing environmentally friendly energy to about 7,500 households in Schleswig-Holstein.
Dr Jürgen Dambrowski, CFO of WKN AG: „Thus, our first cooperation with CEE worked very well. We are looking forward to further common projects.“ Detlef Schreiber, Managing Director of LEM confirms: „Meanwhile, we have developed CEE to one of the most important independent green energy producers. In order to continue this success we are in need of reliable partners like WKN.“
WKN AG has planned, installed and operated turnkey wind farms and solar power systems in Germany since 1990. In addition, WKN AG is internationally represented by subsidiaries and joint-ventures in numerous European countries, South Africa and the US. Up to now, the company has initiated and realized projects with a total of about 1,250 megawatts capacity.
The headquarters of the WKN-Group are located at the “House of Future Energies”, an established center of excellence for renewable energy sources in Husum/Germany. About 83 percent of WKN shares are owned by PNE WIND AG located in Cuxhaven/Germany while approx. 17 percent are held by private and institutional shareholders.
About Lampe Equity Management GmbH (LEM)
Lampe Equity Management is a Hamburg-based investment company that specializes in alternative asset investments and management, operating on a Europe-wide scale. LEM structures and manages exclusive investment opportunities for institutional and private investors in the areas of infrastructure, renewable energy, shipping, real estate, forestry and private equity. With more than 15 years of market experience, LEM is one of Germany’s most senior investment companies focusing on these fields and can rely on an established circle of investors with a long-term investment interest. LEM is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bankhaus Lampe KG. As of December 31, 2014 assets under management amounted to EUR 1.2 bn.
Husum, 12 June 2015
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Catrin Petersen
Head of Communications & Marketing
Tel. +49 4841 – 89 44 100
Fax +49 4841 – 89 44 225
House of Future Energies
Otto-Hahn-Strasse 12 – 16
25813 Husum, Germany

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About WKN AG
WKN is a regional enterprise operating at the international level and has been one of the leading project developers in Germany, Europe and South Africa for over 30 years. The service spectrum ranges from site development to planning and financing as well as construction and operation to technical and commercial management, and thus covers all phases of the project planning and operation of wind farms. To date, WKN has initiated and realised projects with a total output of over 2.300 megawatts.
Since July 2018, WKN GmbH has been a 100 percent subsidiary of PNE AG.