Press Release
Herausgeber: Nordex AG
Nordex signs new contracts in China for 150 MW - Successful tender for 50 MW project / Frame agreement signed for 100 MW
Hamburg/Beijing - The Nordex Group has again won a tender in China. The manufacturer is to supply 33 S70/1500 kW turbines for a subsidiary of the utility, Beijing Energy. The "Jingneng" wind park is to be erected at Huitengxile in the highlands (2000 metres above sea level) in Inner Mongolia. The average wind speed at this location is 8.4 metres per second and average temperatures are minus 2.3 degrees. For this reason Nordex will be supplying its turbines in the "Cold Climate" version, which is especially adapted to these conditions.
The turbines are to be delivered in the fourth quarter of this year. Nordex is producing the machines and rotor blades required in its new factories in China, which started operation in 2006 and 2007. Due to the strong demand the turbine manufacturer plans to invest around EUR 50 million to extend its factories from mid-2008.
At the same time Nordex has signed a frame agreement with Beijing Energy for the supply of a further 66 turbines in the same series. This delivery with a volume of 100 MW is scheduled for the summer of 2009. It was agreed not to disclose the purchase price.
"These orders confirm our higher expectations for the Chinese market and once again underline the importance of our factories in this country. Nordex will continue to record strong growth with its offer of “German technology made in China", said Carsten Pedersen, COO Sales and Marketing at Nordex AG.
Nordex - a profile
As a technological leader among suppliers of megawatt turbines, Nordex benefits particularly from the global trend towards large-scale wind turbines. The product range includes one of the largest series wind power-machines in the world (N80/N90/N100 2,500 kW) and today some 500 of these turbines are in operation worldwide. This means that Nordex has a crucial edge in terms of experience in operating large turbines compared to most of its competitors in the sector. Overall, Nordex has around 3,100 machines with a capacity of around 3,500 MW installed worldwide (November 2007). With exports accounting for around 80 percent of its business, Nordex AG also holds a strong position in international high-growth regions. The Company has offices and subsidiaries in 18 countries around the world.
Hamburg/Beijing, 11 January 2008
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Attention editorial offices: For further questions please contact Mr. Ralf
Peters, Nordex AG.
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22848 Norderstedt
Tel: 040/500 98 100
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Die Pressemitteilung "Nordex signs new contracts in China for 150 MW - Successful tender for 50 MW project / Frame agreement signed for 100 MW" von Nordex AG ist auch in folgenden Sprachen abrufbar
Nordex nimmt in China 150 MW neu unter Vertrag - Ausschreibung für 50 MW-Projekt gewonnen / Rahmenvertrag für 100 MW unterzeichnet
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