Press Release
Herausgeber: Conergy AG
SunTop III from Conergy shortens installation time for solar roofs with a flick of the wrist
The new generation of SunTop III mounting systems from Conergy drastically simplifies installation work for the installation of solar equipment. The new Quickstone joiner-piece technology and a flexible telescoping end-piece ensure that the patented aluminium support rails can perfectly be adjusted to the most diverse house roofs within seconds. Time-consuming cutting down to the last millimetre is therefore done away with. This radically reduces installation time for solar systems and thus cuts costs.
With an output of more than 100 megawatts the SunTop mounting system from Conergy is among the best-selling photovoltaic attachment systems worldwide. In its further development installers have profited from the experience gained by Conergy engineers since 1993 in the fitting of solar systems on four continents. With mounting systems from Conergy, almost any framed photovoltaic module can be installed on pitched roofs of old and new buildings without problems, regardless of the roofing surface. In order to expand its market share worldwide, production capacities for production and warehousing at the Rangsdorf site near Berlin have been significantly extended. “Thanks to our head-start in solar technology know-how, we are already one of the fastest-growing employers in Brandenburg today. By the end of the year we will increase production of cut-ting-edge mounting systems to a volume of more than 140 megawatts of solar output. We will thus noticeably increase our worldwide market share – which is already more than 10 percent – in this key technology for an intelligent energy mix”, explained Gido Genschorek, Director of Mechanical Production, and Conergy AG’s plant manager in Rangsdorf.
The new SunTop III generation reduces installation time by up to 40 percent
The new generation of ultramodern fastening technology from Conergy offers installers decisive advantages for the on-the-spot installation of solar modules on pitched roofs. The so-called Quickstone replaces the pre-viously-used T-head bolts and T-head channel nuts and reduces installation work on the roof to a minimum. The profile square nut is manifold applicable and can be used to fasten roof hooks, hanger bolts, module-holders and module-end-holders. A further advantage of the Quickstone: only an Allen key is needed for the installation on the roof. In general, the SunTop III excels thanks to its very high level of pre-installed and de-tailed installation instructions allow problem-free installation. Precious installation time on the roof is thus re-duced by several orders of magnitude.
“The Quickstone technology, which is unique in the solar world market, in connection with the telescope rails of the SunTop III, will revolutionise the mounting of solar systems. Our experience from numerous test as-semblies shows that installation time can be reduced by up to 40% with the new SunTop III”, explained Gido Genschorek.
The new type of joiner-piece technology allows problem-free flexible fastening of modules to the support rails. Unlimited flexibility is also guaranteed by the use of telescope support rails. Telescope end-pieces are con-nected to the support rails at the end of a row of modules and thus permit an optically clear-cut end point for a row of support rails which is millimetre-exact in any configuration of modules. An often complicated manipula-tion and cutting of long support rails is thus done away with. Furthermore, the new telescopic technology sig-nificantly simplifies logistics: it saves time in planning, and on the roof. Processing an order is more efficient, and besides costs, delivery and installation time are also significantly reduced.
The product range runs from pre-shaped and partially pre-assembled frames up to and including user-specific solutions for final customers. SunTop III support rails are available in various sizes and can be delivered in 0.6 m, 1.2 m, 1.8 m, 2.4 m, 3.0 m and 6.0 m lengths. The frame system from Conergy meets the highest re-quirements with regard to technique, appearance and quality. All components are always manufactured from aluminium and high-quality steel and thus guarantee long durability, high resistance to corrosion and com-plete recyclability. Conergy offers a guarantee of ten years for the durability of the materials used. If desired, the SunTop III includes testable statics, and thus meets one of the requirements when it comes to applying for a building permit. The load capacity of the system meets the norm DIN 1055.
About Conergy
Conergy is the German solar enterprise with the highest sales. It manufactures and trades in components and systems for the production of electricity, heating or cooling from sunlight. The Conergy group operates around the world in close proximity to its clients and is now has branches in 15 countries. The recent market entries in the USA, Australia, Portugal, Mexico and India have secured access to new customers and will bring Con-ergy substantial additional sales and revenue in 2005 and beyond. With new product developments and in-vestments in its international distribution networks, Conergy has already gained further market sectors in the most lucrative international markets for renewable energies in 2005. This has meant the massive expansion of production capacities at its sites in Rangsdorf near Berlin, Landshut and Bad Vilbel near Frankfurt. Product development is attuned to the most diverse customer needs for electricity, heating or cooling from sunlight around the world. This is another reason why Conergy received an award as the most innovative small mid-cap firm in Germany this March.
For further information:
Conergy AG
Thorsten Vespermann
Public Relations
Anckelmannsplatz 1
20537 Hamburg
Phone: 040 / 23 71 02 – 171
Fax: 040 / 23 71 02 – 148
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