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Press Release

Herausgeber: JUWI GmbH

WindEnergy 2024: JUWI reaches 3,000 megawatt threshold with current wind farm projects

With the construction of two wind farms in the Hochsauerland district in North Rhine-Westphalia, JUWI exceeds the 3,000 megawatt threshold / At WindEnergy in Hamburg from September 24 to 27 in Hall A4, Stand 336 / Joint stand with sister company MVV Trading

© Juwi GmbH
© Juwi GmbH
Wörrstadt (renewablepress) - Just in time for the world's largest wind energy trade fair, JUWI has reached a significant milestone in its wind energy business. The construction of the two wind farms Olsberg-Mannstein (7 turbines, 24.15 megawatts) and Olsberg-Antfeld (4 turbines, 22 megawatts) in North Rhine-Westphalia´s Hochsauerland district has pushed, JUWI past the 3,000-megawatt mark in installed wind energy capacity. MVV, JUWI's parent company, has added both wind farms to its own generation portfolio as part of its #climatepositive strategy. The first turbines of the two wind farms are already in operation and the others will follow soon. Since completing its first wind energy project in 1997, JUWI has planned and installed approximately 1,250 wind turbines worldwide. At WindEnergy in Hamburg, the company will be exhibiting at a joint stand with its sister company MVV Trading in Hall A4, Stand 336.

“Thanks to our extensive regional presence with offices across Germany, we have established a robust project pipeline in recent years. Additionally, the improved political framework is creating favorable conditions, and we expect further increases in approvals and new installations both for the industry and, especially, for JUWI,” says Christian Arnold, Managing Director of JUWI GmbH and responsible for operations in Germany.

At WindEnergy Hamburg, JUWI will focus on talks with potential investors and financial institutions. The company works with municipal utilities, local authorities and energy cooperatives, and institutional investors from both Germany and abroad. In addition, a growing number of industrial and service companies are now directly sourcing electricity for their operations, often through Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).

At the trade fair, JUWI would also like to address current wind turbine operators, offering a broad range of services. As a leading provider of commercial and technical operations management, JUWI offers comprehensive O&M services, including 24/7 remote monitoring and secure data connections through Secure Connect.

In the field of repowering, JUWI is available nationwide as both a cooperation partner and as an investor for older wind farms, typically those older than 10 years. A quick assessment can be provided directly at the stand. A pioneer in repowering, JUWI has successfully repowered over 120 wind turbines in recent years, delivering higher electricity yields and added value.

“We will be represented in Hamburg by a team of experts from the project and operations management and look forward to engaging with both existing and new business partners,” Arnold adds.

New employer brand

In addition to showcasing its industry expertise, JUWIs presence at WindEnergy will also highlight its employer brand. In view of the well-filled project pipeline and a growing market, the company is planning additional new hires in the coming months. “With the slogan “The Power of Our Unity”, we are attracting both experienced specialists and young talent,” explains JUWI CEO Carsten Bovenschen. The pioneer for renewable energies, which has been established for almost 30 years, emphasizes sits cooperative corporate culture and underlines its sustainable business model. In the Recruiting Area (Hall B3, Stand RD.312), attendees will have the opportunity firsthand to find out more about working at JUWI on September 26 and 27.

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© Juwi GmbH

Wörrstadt, 16 September 2024

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Media contact:

JUWI Group
Christian Hinsch
Press Spokesperson
Tel: +49 (0)6732 9657-1201
Mob: +49 (0)172 67949 12
E-Mail: hinsch@juwi.de

Energie-Allee 1
55286 Wörrstadt

Internet: https://www.juwi.de


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About JUWI GmbH

The JUWI Group has been one of the leading specialists for renewable energies for more than 25 years and offers complete project development as well as other services related to the planning, construction, and operational management of renewable energy plants. Its business areas primarily include projects with wind and solar energy as well as hybrid systems with storage for industrial applications.

The company belongs to Mannheim-based MVV Energie AG, one of the largest municipal energy suppliers in Germany. JUWI has its headquarters in Wörrstadt near Mainz and further locations in Hanover, Brandis (Saxony), Melle/Osnabrück, Stuttgart, Bochum and in Franconia. In the summer of 2022, Windwärts Energie GmbH was merged into juwi AG, which subsequently changed its legal form to JUWI GmbH. JUWI was founded in Rhineland-Palatinate in 1996, Windwärts in Lower Saxony in 1994.
Worldwide, JUWI employs more than 1,100 people and is present with projects on all continents. Outside Germany, there are branches in Italy, Greece, South Africa, the USA, Japan, Australia, India, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and Singapore.

To date, JUWI has implemented more than 1,200 wind turbines with a capacity of more than 2,800 megawatts at around 200 locations worldwide in the wind segment; in the solar segment, there are around 1,850 PV plants with a total capacity of around 3,250 megawatts. JUWI's operations management services wind energy and photovoltaic plants with a capacity of more than 4,100 megawatts. JUWI has initiated a total investment volume of more than ten billion euros for the realization of energy projects.

More Information about JUWI GmbH

Press Contact

Christian Hinsch

Christian Hinsch
E-Mail: Hinsch@juwi.de
Phone: +49 (0)6732 9657-1201