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Press Release

Herausgeber: wpd windmanager GmbH & Co. KG.

Koehler Renewable Energy assigns wpd windmanager

- Paper producer Koehler commissions operations manager for Wetzlar-Blasbach wind farm

© Koehler Group
© Koehler Group
Bremen (renewablepress) - Paper goes Energy: As a paper producer, the Koehler Group has set itself ambitious targets. By 2030, the company wants to generate more energy from renewable sources than it needs for its own paper production. One of the measures can be admired in Blasbach in Hesse since December 2023: the Wetzlar-Blasbach wind farm with two Vestas V150 turbines, each with 4.2 megawatts and a hub height of 166 meters. "The Wetzlar-Blasbach wind farm is the first wind farm that we have planned and built ourselves in Germany," says Nicolas Christoph, Corporate Director Wind Power, Solar, Hydro & Business Development at Koehler Renewable Energy. Koehler has gained support of the wind industry to operate the pilot project. As of January 1, 2024, wpd windmanager takes over the commercial and technical management of the two turbines.

"We already had in-depth talks with wpd windmanager before the contract started," explains Christoph. "This included questions about the communication and grid connection as well as commissioning. The company has a lot of experience. And we can benefit enormously from this when operating our turbines." wpd windmanager is also very pleased about the collaboration. "The Koehler Group is a prime example for the success of the energy transition," explains Gerrit Baerwald, Sales Manager at wpd windmanager. "It is essential for us to support industrial companies on their way to an independent energy supply. As a family business, the Koehler Group is a pioneer in this area."

The Wetzlar-Blasbach wind farm is expected to produce around 23,000 MWh of electricity per year. This corresponds with the annual electricity demand of around 11,500 two-person households. In addition to the wind farm near Wetzlar, Koehler Renewable Energy is already planning to expand its own renewable energy portfolio with further wind farm projects.

Further information at www.windmanager.net

About wpd windmanager

As Germany's leading and globally operating company in the commercial as well as technical management of wind farms and solar projects, wpd windmanager engages 570 employees. Worldwide, wpd windmanager manages around 2,800 wind turbines with a total capacity of 6,500 megawatts. For more than 20 years, investment companies, public utilities, operators and investors have already relied on the company's profound expertise. In addition to Germany, wpd windmanager is operating in various other European countries, in South America and in Asia. The company is growing: new locations and markets are being added continuously. Currently, wpd windmanager has 19 locations in 10 countries.

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© Koehler Group

Bremen, 26 February 2024

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wpd windmanager GmbH & Co. KG
Marketing & PR
Daniel Engelhardt
Tel: +49 (0)421 897660-460
E-mail: d.engelhardt@wpd.de

wpd windmanager GmbH & Co. KG
Stephanitorsbollwerk 3
D-28217 Bremen

Website: https://www.windmanager.net


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