Press Release
Herausgeber: Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG
Starting 1 February: New Online Renewable Energy Technology Courses from Renewables Academy (RENAC)
© Renewables Academy AG / Photographer: Heidi SchermBerlin (renewablepress) - The Berlin-based training and education provider Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG continues to develop its course catalogue adding three new online courses to its 1 February 2023 intake. RENAC designed courses on artificial intelligence (AI) in the renewable energy sector, solar heat in industrial processes (SHIP), and e-mobility to train professionals on technologies and measures that will contribute to sustainable zero-carbon solutions.
"With our comprehensive knowledge of further education needs and goals in the field of renewable energies, we are continuously developing new courses on currently important and future topics. The courses enable professionals to acquire new knowledge on specialized topics in a short period of time, with flexible scheduling," says RENAC Managing Director Berthold Breid. "Renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency measures are evolving rapidly, and harnessing their potential through easily accessible and comprehensive training supports global climate change goals."
Participants can choose from 18 four-week courses, including the three new courses, and start on 1 February 2023. All courses are offered in English and include theoretical content, self-tests, instructional videos, and an interactive forum. Participants can also receive a RENAC certificate. RENAC's new online offers are designed for individual professional advancement or can be used by organisations and companies for corporate training.
Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG is a leading international provider of training, educational programmes, and capacity-building services on renewable energy technology and energy efficiency. Since 2008, more than 30,000 participants from over 165 countries have participated in our programmes.
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© Renewables Academy AG / Photographer: Heidi Scherm
Berlin, 27 January 2023
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Schönhauser Allee 10-11
10119 Berlin

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