
Pressemitteilungen der Energiewirtschaft seit 1999

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Press Release

Herausgeber: FGW e.V. Fördergesellschaft Windenergie und andere Erneuerbare Energien

New Technical Guidelines for the measurement of the electrical characteristics of PGU, PGS, storage systems as well as their components

Berlin (renewablepress) - At the meeting of August 23, 2018, the Expert Committee for Electrical Characteristics (CEC) agreed and adopted the 25th revision of the FGW TG 3 “Determination of the Electrical Characteristics of Power Generating Units and Systems, Storage Systems as well for their Components in Medium-, High- and Extra-High Voltage Grids”. As the first Technical Guidelines of the CEC, this testing regulation refers to the new requirements from the Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631, the German decree on proof of electrical characteristics of power systems Elektrotechnische-Eigenschaften-Nachweis-Verordnung (NELEV), as well as the VDE application rules dated May 2018.

The TG 3 was revised with particular regard to the following topics:
- Determination of the electrical characteristics now also for storage systems as well as their components
- Incorporation of measurement regulations for VDE-AR-N 4110, VDE-AR-N 4120 and VDE-AR-N 4130
- Incorporation of changes resulting from IEC 61400-21-1
- Structuring and revision of the appendices regarding test bench tests
- Revision of grid protection tests on the PGS
- Parameter list template for simplified communication

The publication date was September 1, 2018. The Guidelines may be ordered via the FGW website www.wind-fgw.de.

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Berlin, 27 September 2018

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FGW e.V.
Tel.: +49 030/30 10 150 05-0
Fax: +49 030/30 10 150 05-1
E-Mail: info@wind-fgw.de

FGW e.V. Fördergesellschaft Windenergie und andere Dezentrale Energien
Oranienburger Straße 45
10117 Berlin

Internet: http://www.wind-fgw.de


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