Press Release
Herausgeber: Bachmann electronic GmbH
Global Wind Summit Hamburg 2018, Stand A4-221 - Bachmann to focus on automation for the digital future of energy
- Wind Energy 5.0 – Bachmann shows the digital future of wind turbine automation.
- New: AIC214 condition monitoring module; CMS extension for imbalance detection and GMP232/x grid measuring module.

Three new products
Bachmann Electronic will be using the on and offshore expo to introduce three new products to the international wind community: the new AIC214 condition monitoring module that has been developed on the basis of experience acquired over recent years; the Blade Unbalance Calculator, which is the first CMS plug-in that estimates rotor unbalance with no need to fit trial masses, and the new GMP232/x grid measurement module family, which have the latest component certificates of grid code conformity and can identify even the smallest frequency changes with an absolute accuracy of one millihertz.
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WindEnergy 5.0: In the digital energy system the operator saves costs when the five automation components work together in harmony
© Bachmann electronic GmbH
Feldkirch, 13 September 2018
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