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Press Release

Herausgeber: WKN AG

Petra Helmers is the new WKN Public Affairs Manager

- Sector expert strengthens communication department of the Husum-based project developer

Husum - As of 1 May 2013, Petra Helmers supports the communication department of WKN AG in Husum. Petra Helmers was formerly employed by the German project developer Ventotec GmbH respectively the GHF-Group for the last twelve years. There she was mainly responsible for PR work, marketing and sales. Apart from her knowledge of the industry, the trained bank business specialist has experience in the areas of financing and investment management.

\"We are delighted to again be able to competently fill the vacancy in the Public Affairs area for which Ulla Meixner was formerly responsible,\" WKN Board Member Martinus Scherweit comments on the new recruitment. In 2011, after many years in the WKN Group, Ulla Meixner had changed to the ARGE Netz, but continued to support WKN as a consultant in the interim period.

According to Scherweit, the field of Public Affairs is becoming increasingly important. \"All companies in the industry are currently facing substantial challenges. Particularly the debate regarding the new regulation of the Renewable Energies Act (German: EEG) is causing considerable uncertainty amongst the market players.\"

Apart from the German market, Petra Helmers’ tasks will include pursuing the development of the regulatory environment of the WKN markets abroad.

WKN AG has planned, installed and operated turnkey wind farms and solar power systems in Germany since 1990. In addition, WKN AG is also internationally represented by subsidiaries in numerous European countries, South Africa and the US. Up to now, the company has initiated and realized projects with a total of more than 1,130 megawatts capacity.
The headquarters of the WKN-Group are located at the \"House of Future Energies\", an established center of excellence for renewable energy sources in Husum/Germany. 53.43 percent of WKN shares are privately owned by the company’s founder Volker Friedrichsen. About 17 percent are held by diverse private and institutional shareholders while 29.33 percent are in the hands of Siemens Project Ventures. The Chairman of the WKN Supervisory Board is Dr Klaus Rave.

Husum, 16 May 2013

Publication and Reprint free of charge; please send a voucher copy to

Attention editorial offices: For further questions please contact Catrin
Petersen, Head of Communications & Marketing.

House of Future Energies
Otto-Hahn-Strasse 12 – 16
25813 Husum, Germany
Tel. +49 4841 – 89 44 100
Fax +49 4841 – 89 44 225
Internet: http://www.wkn-ag.de


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About WKN AG

WKN is a regional enterprise operating at the international level and has been one of the leading project developers in Germany, Europe and South Africa for over 30 years. The service spectrum ranges from site development to planning and financing as well as construction and operation to technical and commercial management, and thus covers all phases of the project planning and operation of wind farms. To date, WKN has initiated and realised projects with a total output of over 2.300 megawatts.

Since July 2018, WKN GmbH has been a 100 percent subsidiary of PNE AG.

More Information about WKN AG