Press Release
Herausgeber: e.n.o. energy GmbH
Berliner Wasserbetriebe and e.n.o. energy sign a contract for the delivery of three wind turbines
Rostock - e.n.o. energy was contracted to deliver three wind turbines of the type e.n.o. 92 as 2.0 Megawatt version to the Berliner Wasserbetriebe. In the course of a tendering procedure arranged by the project developer in charge, Windplan Bosse GmbH, e.n.o. energy was able to prevail against competitors. The three turbines with a hub height of 123 meters and a rotor diameter of 92.8 meters each will be installed on the company grounds of the Berliner Wasserwerke, not far from Berlin’s only wind turbine so far.
The combined implementation of wind energy use and sewage gas utilization in a cogeneration unit will ensure the current supply of the sewage treatment plant Schönerlinde from 2011 on. The wind turbine installation is a big step towards energy self-sufficiency of the sewage treatment plant as it increases the share of self-generated current from 17 to 70 percent. Thus, CO2 emission can be reduced for up to 10,000 tons per year.
Company profiles:
e.n.o. energy GmbH has been successfully operating in the high-growth wind power market for more than ten years now. The company covers the entire wind power value chain, ranging from planning and erecting turnkey wind farms either for sale or for proprietary operation, to maintenance and operations management services, to proprietary wind power plant productions. This concept, quite unique in Germany, enables e.n.o. energy to offer all-round solutions not only to municipal investors. The company is also able to perform all individual services involved, such as developing projects, acting as general contractor for the complete farm installation process or separately supplying wind power plants to project developers.
The company Berliner Wasserbetriebe is drinking water supplier and sewage treatment institution of the German capital and Germany’s largest company in this industry, with a turnover of nearly 1.2 billion € and about 4,700 staff members. Furthermore, one quarter of the inhabitants of the State of Brandenburg participate in the services of the Berliner Wasserbetriebe. The company runs mains and sewage canals with a total length of 18,575 km, 15 water works and wastewater treatment plants and 160 drinking water and waste water pump stations.
Rostock, 5 October 2010
Publication and Reprint free of charge; please send a specimen copy to e.n.o. energy GmbH.
Attention editorial offices: For further questions please contact Mrs. Maren Erdmann, e.n.o. energy GmbH.
Am Strande 2 e
18055 Rostock
Tel: +49 (0)381 20 37 92 - 118
Fax: +49 (0)381 20 37 92 - 101

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