Press Release
Herausgeber: MESSE HUSUM/HWG mbh & Co. KG
From the niche to the market - Boom for small-scale wind turbines
Husum - Small-scale wind turbines are currently something of a renewable energy niche product in Germany at this time. But this situation can change very quickly - especially if you look at the market success and the potential of small-scale wind turbines in other countries. The New Energy Husum trade fair now offers a worldwide overview.
With already over 50 confirmed exhibitors from the small wind turbine sector of eleven nations, and several lecture, discussion and presentation events on all four days of the fair, this year’s New Energy (18-21 march 2010) has already become an important small wind turbine event. Experts from Egypt, Argentina, Belgium, China, Denmark, Germany, the United Kingdom, India, Mali, Spain and the USA will be presenting an overview of the use and potential of small wind turbines in each of these countries. Speakers will be talking about the status and importance of international standards as this technology spreads.
Representatives from China and the USA – there is a long tradition of using small wind turbines in both countries – will be reporting on their many years of experience. Stefan Gsänger, secretary general of the WWEA: \"We are very pleased that together with Messe Husum, we have been able to compile such an extremely attractive programme for what is the very first summit, and one that covers the topics currently of utmost interest worldwide on the subject of small wind turbines.\"
This will also include the advantages of being able to provide internationally certified turbines, because the world market potential for small wind turbines is enormous. If the industry is going to grow, it needs practicable international standards, certification procedures, improved feed-in possibilities and higher tariffs.
In addition the special focus will be on stand-alone use, and setting up smaller, autonomous power systems. Throughout the world small wind turbines are already being used to drive water pumping systems or maintaining telecommunication. Talks from Egypt, Mali and China will explain the benefits of hybrid systems, i.e. combined solar and small wind turbine system. Representatives of humanitarian aid organisations will report how important the use of small wind turbines already is in third world countries, and how important it will be in the future.
A representative from California Institute of Technology has come up with the amazing realisation that clusters of vertical wind turbines achieve a multiple of the energy yield of larger turbines. What new prospects could arise for the use of offshore wind will also be explained in detail.
The 1st World Summit for Small-scaled Wind Turbines will be held in English with simultaneous translation into German. The German Wind Energy Association’s 3rd Small Wind Turbine Symposium is taking place at the same venue on 20 and 21 March, where speakers will be presenting and discussing the current challenges facing the industry in the German-speaking part of Europe and the planning approval practice for small wind turbines in Germany.
Further information can be seen at
New Energy Husum 18- 21 March 2010
The big themes at New Energy Husum 2010 are photovoltaics, solar heating, wood and pellet heating systems, CHP’s, geothermal systems, heat pumps, biogas plant technology, small hydroelectric plants, small wind turbines and electrically powered vehicles. Exhibitors from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Spain, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom, Korea, India, the USA and China will be showing their renewable energy innovations in three large exhibition halls. Over 16,000 visitors from all over the world are expected at the fair in Husum.
Husum, 8 February 2010
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