Press Release
Herausgeber: Ph
Sulzemoos, 28 July 2005 / Phönix SonnenStrom AG (ISIN DE000A0BVU93), one of Europe’s leading system suppliers of solar electricity plants, generated a net income of EUR 2.089 million in the first half of 2005. The start-up losses incurred in the years from 1999 to 2003 have been fully offset since the second quarter of 2005.
Compared with the first half of 2004, EBIT soared by around 450 percent, up from EUR 0.477 million to EUR 2.612 million. Profit of EUR 2.089 million for the first six months was 535 percent higher than in the year-earlier period (January – June 2004: EUR 0.329 million). The semi-annual accounts include the costs of the capital increase which was carried out in April.
In the period from January to June 2005, sales rose by 56.6 percent year on year to EUR 43.508 million (January to June 2004: EUR 27.779 million). This figure includes the first construction phase (two megawatts) of a 5.3 megawatt solar electricity plant in Miegersbach, Bavaria. The EBIT margin (the ratio of EBIT to sales) stood at 6.0 percent (January – June 2004: 1.7 percent).
The positive business development has led the Board of Directors to raise its growth forecast. For the financial year 2005, an increase in sales and EBIT of 40 and 60 percent respectively have been forecast as against the previous year. Phönix SonnenStrom AG will be publishing its Interim Report for the period ending 30 June 2005 on 12 August exclusively on its website at
Download Business performance key data from 01/01/2005 through 31/06/2005:
For more information please contact:
Phönix SonnenStrom AG:
Investor Relations
Anka Leiner
Hirschbergstr. 8
D-85254 Sulzemoos
Tel: ++49 (0) 8135-938-315
Fax: ++49 (0) 8135-938-399

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