Press Release
Herausgeber: Energiequelle GmbH
Energiequelle GmbH opens new office in Münster
- Münster is 18th branch office of the international project developer in Germany

Energiequelle-Team Münster
© Energiequelle GmbHMünster (renewablepress) - Energiequelle GmbH celebrated the opening of its new office in Robert-Bosch-Straße in Münster this week. The newly selected location stands out as a liveable university city with excellent transport links and benefits from the short distance to the key regions for wind energy. The office offers space for around 10 - 12 employees, six of whom have already moved into the new premises. It also has a conference room and various charging points for electric vehicles.
Despite the high population density, there is an interesting market in North Rhine-Westphalia to further expand and strengthen our position in the wind and PV sector. Energiequelle has been active in North Rhine-Westphalia for some time and numerous projects are in the pipeline.
Marco Richter, the new head of the project team in North Rhine-Westphalia, is confident: "The state government is pursuing the goal of designating 1.8 % of the state's land area for wind energy by 2025. Here in Münster, the direct proximity to partners, property owners and political decision-makers is a great advantage."
With a total of 24 branch offices in Germany, France, Finland and Poland, Energiequelle is on a sustained international growth course. The company currently employs more than 500 people and has connected more than 1,600 MW to the grid to date.
Since 1997, Energiequelle GmbH has been active internationally as a project manager and operator of wind energy, biomass and photovoltaic plants as well as substations and storage facilities. The headquarter of Energiequelle is in Kallinchen near Berlin, further locations are in Bremen, Oldenburg, Hanover, Putlitz, Penzing, Erfurt, Dresden, Rostock, Magdeburg, Wiesbaden, Leipzig, Stuttgart, Münster, Guntersblum, Spremberg, Luckenwalde as well as Rennes, Dijon and Bordeaux (France), Helsinki and Vaasa (Finland) and Poznan (Poland). With more than 500 employees and more than 850 plants built with a total output of around 1,600 MW, Energiequelle is a leading company in the industry.
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Caption: Energiequelle-Team Münster
© Energiequelle GmbH
Münster, 14 December 2023
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Energiequelle GmbH
Susanne Tauke
Marketing & PR
Tel: +49 421 62 67 69 22
Energiequelle GmbH
Hauptstraße 44
15806 Zossen OT Kallinchen

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About Energiequelle GmbH
Energiewende? Machen wir.
Seit 1997 ist die Energiequelle GmbH im Bereich der Erneuerbaren Energien tätig. Zu den Leistungen gehören die Projektplanung und Betriebsführung von Windenergie-, Biogas- und Photovoltaikanlagen, Energiespeichern und Umspannwerken sowie die Weiterentwicklung von Sektorenkopplung und Energieversorgungslösungen.