
Pressemitteilungen der Energiewirtschaft seit 1999

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Press Release

Herausgeber: Energiequelle GmbH

Completion of Torvenkylä wind farm in Finland

- Energiequelle GmbH constructs a total of seven turbines and sells the wind farm to Commerz Real’s KlimaVest fund

Wind farm Torvenkylä<br />
© Energiequelle GmbH
Wind farm Torvenkylä
© Energiequelle GmbH
Kalajoki (renewablepress) - The Finnish subsidiary of Energiequelle GmbH has completed the Torvenkylä wind farm in Kalajoki. The seven N163 turbines, each with a hub height of 126 metres and a total rated output of 39.9 MW, are expected to supply clean energy to the Finnish power grid in the future. Like the other Energiequelle projects in Finland that have already been implemented, the Torvenkylä wind farm’s revenues are generated on the electricity market without state subsidies.

Energiequelle has sold the Torvenkylä wind farm to the KlimaVest Impact Fund. Through this fund, individual investors can also invest in renewable energies and projects that have been proven to contribute to reducing CO₂ emissions, for example. Commerz Real, a subsidiary of Commerzbank, advised KlimaVest on the investment and managed the wind farm’s acquisition process.

Another milestone for Energiequelle's subsidiary in Finland

The town of Kalajoki is already a pioneer in the wind energy sector and is characterised by a large number of wind farms. The completed Torvenkylä wind farm is an important milestone for Energiequelle. “With the Torvenkylä wind farm, our company is now generating a total of more than 100 megawatts of renewable energy in Finland,” says Nils Borstelmann, Managing Director of Energiequelle in Finland.

Energiequelle is planning wind energy projects throughout Finland with a total output of more than 2,500 MW and is developing its first solar projects there.


Since 1997, Energiequelle GmbH has been active internationally as a project manager and operator of wind energy, biomass and photovoltaic plants as well as substations and storage facilities. The headquarter of Energiequelle is in Kallinchen near Berlin, further locations are in Bremen, Oldenburg, Hanover, Putlitz, Penzing, Erfurt, Dresden, Rostock, Leipzig, Guntersblum, Magdeburg, Wiesbaden and Spremberg, Luckenwalde as well as Rennes, Dijon and Bordeaux (France), Helsinki (Finland) and Poznan (Poland). With more than 400 employees and more than 800 plants built with a total output of around 1,500 MW, Energiequelle is a leading company in the industry.

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Caption: Wind farm Torvenkylä
© Energiequelle GmbH

Kalajoki, 18 April 2023

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Media contact:

Energiequelle GmbH
Susanne Tauke
Marketing & PR
Phone: +49 421 62 67 69 22
E-Mail: tauke@energiequelle.de

Energiequelle GmbH
Hauptstraße 44
15806 Zossen OT Kallinchen

Internet: https://www.energiequelle.de


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About Energiequelle GmbH

Energiewende? Machen wir.

Seit 1997 ist die Energiequelle GmbH im Bereich der Erneuerbaren Energien tätig. Zu den Leistungen gehören die Projektplanung und Betriebsführung von Windenergie-, Biogas- und Photovoltaikanlagen, Energiespeichern und Umspannwerken sowie die Weiterentwicklung von Sektorenkopplung und Energieversorgungslösungen.

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