Press Release
Herausgeber: Energiequelle GmbH
Energiequelle subsidiary commissions wind farm in France
- The six wind turbines contribute a total output of 18 MW to the energy transition
Windpark Le Ménec in Loudéac und Trévé (Côtes d’Armor)
© Energiequelle GmbHVern-sur-Seiche (renewablepress) - Earlier this year, Energiequelle’s French subsidiary, P&T Technologie, commissioned the Le Ménec wind farm in the municipalities of Trévé and Loudéac. The wind farm is located in northwestern France, on the Côtes d'Armor in Brittany. The six new Nordex N-117 wind turbines now complement the three wind farms previously constructed by P&T Technologie in the area, which the company also manages. The wind farm increases the installed capacity in the region to 51 MW, which covers the electricity requirements of around 36,000 households per year.
Christoph Biger, Site Manager at P&T Technologie, is proud of the successful commissioning: "Together with local service providers, we were able to build the wind farm on schedule. After Bourbriac, it is now the second wind farm that we have connected to the grid in France within a few months."
These six turbines increase the total installed capacity of P&T Technologie in France to 242 MW. The Saint-Morand wind farm with a total of 9.4 MW is also scheduled for commissioning in 2023.
Since 1997, Energiequelle GmbH has been active internationally as a project manager and operator of wind energy, biomass and photovoltaic plants as well as substations and storage facilities. The headquarter of Energiequelle is in Kallinchen near Berlin, further locations are in Bremen, Oldenburg, Hanover, Putlitz, Penzing, Erfurt, Dresden, Rostock, Leipzig, Guntersblum, Magdeburg, Wiesbaden and Spremberg, Luckenwalde as well as Rennes, Dijon and Bordeaux (France), Helsinki (Finland) and Poznan (Poland). With more than 400 employees and more than 800 plants built with a total output of around 1,500 MW, Energiequelle is a leading company in the industry.
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Caption: Le Ménec wind farm in Loudéac and Trévé (Côtes d'Armour)
© Energiequelle GmbH
Vern-sur-Seiche, 31 January 2023
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Seit 1997 ist die Energiequelle GmbH im Bereich der Erneuerbaren Energien tätig. Zu den Leistungen gehören die Projektplanung und Betriebsführung von Windenergie-, Biogas- und Photovoltaikanlagen, Energiespeichern und Umspannwerken sowie die Weiterentwicklung von Sektorenkopplung und Energieversorgungslösungen.