Press Release
Herausgeber: wpd GmbH
wpd expands its project pipeline in the Philippines
Bremen (renewablepress) - wpd, the Bremen-based project developer and operator of wind and solar farms, is adding another project to its pipeline in the Philippines. The Aklan project is an onshore wind farm with a total capacity of 75.6 MW. Triconti ECC Renewables Corporation, a German-Swiss-Filipino joint venture based in the Philippines, is involved in the project planning and implementation as a cooperation partner.
The Aklan wind farm will comprise 18 Vestas V136 turbines with a capacity of 4.2 MW each. The hilly site is located on the north-western tip of Panay Island, at an altitude of between 123 m and 362 m above sea level. At the current planning stage, commissioning is scheduled for the end of 2023.
The project is characterized by the fact that it is part of a large-scale grid reinforcement and expansion for the islands of Cebu, Negros and Panay, called "CNP Backbone Extension". The wind farm will be connected to the grid via a new substation, which is being built by wpd and Triconti for the grid operator NGCP. The project partners are currently in talks to market the electricity generated by the wind farm locally via a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).
"We are pleased to add Aklan to our pipeline as another important project as part of our Asia strategy," said Niclas Fritsch, CEO of wpd Philippines Inc. "We continue to position ourselves in the dynamic and exciting Philippine renewable energy market and are pleased to have Triconti ECC as a reliable and experienced partner in this endeavor."
Stefan Simon, Managing Director of the Swiss Stream Invest Holding AG, the main shareholder of the project developer Triconti, adds: "We have been active in the Philippine market for a long time and continuously invest in local project development. The fact that with wpd we have now been able to win such an internationally renowned player shows on the one hand the potential of this market, which is so unique in Asia, and on the other hand is a nice confirmation of our work."
In addition to the Philippine growth market, wpd is increasingly active in other countries in Asia. In addition to the key market of Taiwan, the company is also active in Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Mongolia, Indonesia and India for the energy transition. In addition to onshore and offshore wind, wpd also has a promising and growing pipeline in the solar sector in Asia.
About wpd
wpd AG develops and operates onshore and offshore wind farms and solar parks, and is actively engaged in 28 countries around the world; the head office is in Bremen. The German company has already realized wind energy projects with around 2,400 wind turbines and an output of 5,150 MW, and is planning further projects with a total of 12,300 MW onshore, 13,800 MW offshore and 1,650 MWp solar energy.
Bremen, 28 July 2021
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wpd AG
Christian Schnibbe
Head of Communications
Phone: +49 (421) 16866-10
wpd AG
Niclas Fritsch
Phone: +49 (421) 16866-10
wpd AG
Stephanitorsbollwerk 3
28217 Bremen

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About wpd GmbH
wpd was founded in Bremen in 1996 and has become one of the leading developers and operators of onshore wind and solar farms in Europe. The group of companies consists of wpd GmbH (project developer and operator), wpd windmanager (commercial management and technical operations) and Deutsche Windtechnik (maintenance and engineering).
With 3,700 employees worldwide, wpd has implemented projects with 2,630 wind turbines and a total capacity of 6,110 MW, as well as solar energy projects with a capacity of 35 MW.
Besides developing projects in-house, wpd also undertakes project partnerships, commercial construction, contracting, project financing through to completion and the operation of wind and solar energy plants.
In addition to its home market in Germany, wpd is also active in the main wind and solar markets in Europe, in North and South America, and in various countries in the rapidly growing Asian market. The company has built a global project pipeline of 13,870 MW of onshore wind and 2,300 MWp of solar PV. Today, wpd is active in 29 countries worldwide.