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Press Release

Herausgeber: delta energielösungen technischer anwendungen GmbH

Network faults? Proven not a problem for regenerative generation units

Wilhelmshaven (renewablepress) - At 11th of March, delta has completed the world's most powerful and compact test system for simulating errors in the medium-voltage network.

By looping the test container (40 feet) into the connection line of a generation system using a medium-voltage switchgear, network errors can be simulated for any kind of network subscriber. Depending on the design, the test facility causes considerably lower network demand than previous systems. The Fault Ride Through (FRT) properties of generating units such as wind turbines, cogeneration units with synchronous machines, battery or solar inverters can also be tested on “softer” grids in accordance with national or international guidelines. With the potential transmission power of 30 MVA on a 30 kV network, entire wind farms or solar fields can be measured with all their interactions. Outside of the test cycles, the generation systems can continue to be operated in the bypass mode as usual, while the next configuration can be prepared inside. Other locations of the test facility could also be critical infrastructures such as airports, tunnel systems, hospitals or other sensitive consumer loads.

"The development of the autotransformer is certainly groundbreaking," says Rainer Klosse, one of the 3 managing directors of delta. "The specific choice of materials and the complete absence of electrically conductive materials for the manufacture of the coil holder allows the compact design. Furthermore the control and safety functions applied according to the latest standard, so that a quick commissioning and effective execution of the tests is made possible.“

In addition to the undervoltage tests (UVRT) , overvoltage tests (OVRT) are now required worldwide to demonstrate the power plant properties in generating units. This called for new test options. With this test system based on economy transformers, in addition to the classic 2 and 3-phase to neutral faults, vector and polar wheel angle jumps can also be simulated, which also allow model validation of the test objects in addition to all formal requirements. By cleverer selecting the setting, almost any asymmetrical network fault events can be simulated almost infinitely. The passive test system developed and produced by delta can, unlike a test system with converters, be simulated with generic components of classic network calculation programs.

"delta energie lösungen technischer anwendungen GmbH" is a company founded in 2019, which emerged after 17 years from a planning office for electrical medium and high voltage systems. His employees combine specialist knowledge from various areas of renewable energies more than 20 years. From the very beginning, employees have been involved in the development of testing and certification rules and the introduction of the voltage drop test. The company's employees see themselves under an obligation to enable a complete and secure supply using renewable energies. The generation units can use these test facilities to prove that a secure supply is also possible with decentralized units.

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© delta energielösungen technischer anwendungen GmbH

Wilhelmshaven, 20 March 2020

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Attention editorial offices - For further questions please contact:

Media contact:
delta energielösungen technischer anwendungen GmbH
Rainer Klosse
Tel: +49 (0)170 5466510
E-Mail: rainer.klosse@delta-energie.de

delta energielösungen technischer anwendungen GmbH
Blumenstr. 4
26382 Wilhelmshaven

Internet: http://www.delta-energie.de


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