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Press Release

Herausgeber: wpd windmanager GmbH & Co. KG

wpd windmanager Market Leader in Croatia

Bremen based company takes over operational management of wind farm Jasenice from KELAG

Bremen (renewablepress) - The Croatian wind farm portfolio of wpd windmanager is growing. With the wind farm Jasenice, located around 40 kilometers northeast of Zadar, the Bremen based company with its location in Dubrovnik assumes the operational management of five Enercon E-70 turbines and a total capacity of 11.5 MW. As of 1 July, 2019, wpd windmanager is responsible for the technical management as well as for the administrative coordination and the reporting obligations for the wind farm of Austrian energy supplier KELAG. “For our newly erected wind farm Jasenice we were looking for an operational manager, which has an extensive knowledge about the requirements of the Croatian market and has a huge network of turbine manufacturers, service providers and authorities on site”, explains David Huber, managing director of the wind farm Jasenice. “wpd windmanager has already been active here for many years and thus enables us to have an excellent entry into the Croatian market.” The proximity of the wind farm to the site of the technical management also facilitates the cooperation. “From the location of our technical managers in Šibenik it is only 90 kilometers to the wind farm in Jasenice. Our colleagues can easily reach the wind farm within an hour and can thus be on site at any time”, says Marijana Bari?evi?, managing director of the Croatian subsidiary of wpd windmanager.

At the moment the Croatian wind market has a total capacity of around 587.5 MW. With 103.3 MW in the operational management wpd windmanager belongs to the market leaders in Croatia. “After years with relatively few installations of new wind farms, the Croatian market is on the upswing again”, explains Till Schorer, director sales at wpd windmanager. “Thus we are really looking forward to the cooperation with KELAG. With our locations in Dubrovnik and Šibenik we are in an excellent position – both professionally and geographically – and we are eager to extend our presence here.”

Further information at www.windmanager.de/en

About wpd windmanager

The market leader for commercial and technical operations of wind farms, wpd windmanager GmbH & Co. KG, situated in Bremen/Germany, employs about 405 people and takes care of 362 wind farms at home and abroad with 2,030 wind turbine generators and a combined output of 4,313 Megawatt. Due to the modular structure, clients are able to compile their individual wind farm management – from the control room with 24/7 service, the technical controlling with field service on site through contract, insurance or quality management up to IT or QHSE. In the field of repowering or in the optimization of cost cutting and yield increase potentials in the wind farms as well, wpd windmanager has long years of experience. For over 20 years now, funds companies, national and international investors’ groups as well as institutional investors call on the know-how from Bremen. Besides Germany, wpd windmanager is also operating in Belgium, Finland, France, Croatia, Poland, Canada and Taiwan.

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Bremen, 16 October 2019

Publication and Reprint free of charge; please send a voucher copy to wpd windmanager GmbH & Co. KG.

Attention editorial offices: For further questions please contact Mr. Daniel Engelhardt, wpd windmanager GmbH & Co. KG.

Media contact
Daniel Engelhardt
Telephone: +49 (421) 897660-460
E-Mail: d.engelhardt@wpd.de

wpd windmanager GmbH & Co. KG
Stephanitorsbollwerk 3 (Haus LUV)
28217 Bremen

Internet: http://www.windmanager.de


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